
October 18, 2021 · 0 min · Chen Hsieh

Sail through Sapelo2

If you are a first-time user, you can read through this guide from the beginning. However, if you already have your own workflow, you might want to jump to the tips section to check if there are some more little things you can do to make your workflow more efficient. SSH client: handy tool makes a handyman First thing first, choose a suitable SSH client. Of course, you can use terminal/power-shell to ssh into the cluster, but some GUI might make things easier....

October 18, 2021 · 6 min · Chen Hsieh
from Aeon Flux

[PhD Journey] 2021 Q1

PhD 是一趟主動學習的旅程,對我來說除了獲取知識以外,情勢視讀與決策能力更是我希望能成長的方向,過程中的每件小事細品都有啟示 January:在前...

April 1, 2021 · 5 min · Chen Hsieh

[ 留學 ] 107年公費留考 ✍️

中華民國教育部公費留考 - 考試經驗分享 學群與科目:農林漁牧類農作物安全管理之採收後處理 報考機緣與考前狀況 大概是年初開始有出國讀書的打算,也就是...

January 18, 2019 · 13 min · Chen Hsieh

[ 留學 ] 托福兩週衝刺一戰破百 - 字神

申請字神 TOEFL 托福獎學金的備考心得,其實我花了 27k 報了全科班之後上不到一半的課,只有口說有全部上完,在這邊把一些還記得的備考心態紀錄一下,提供給本...

October 14, 2018 · 3 min · Chen Hsieh